All iBarcoder features provide 100%
readable and scannable barcode label.
Barcode image export can be configured in CMYK color mode. Some graphic software (Illustrator, CoredDraw, etc.) create vector EPS output in RGB, CMYK, or Grayscale modes. When you add a barcode image to such a software document, it is preferable that the image color mode should be the same as the color mode of the EPS output because of color conversion issues. For example, if the EPS color mode is set to “CMYK Color”, the barcode color should also use CMYK values.
The default color mode is RGB. To switch barcodes export to CMYK, open the iBarcoder Settings (iBarcoder>Settings… menu option),
and select the CMYK option on the bottom of the Preference panel.
You will need to restart the iBarcoder for the changes to come into effect.
NOTE: The image formats that support CMYK color profile on Mac are TIFF, PSD, JPEG. If the destination image format does not support CMYK color space (such as PNG or BMP images), RGB profile will still be used.